Here’s the latest from TTFB

Media Release



O Kelerayani Lesikinavosa e dua vei ira na isevu ni gonevuli me volayaca ena Porakaramu ni Veika Vakaviti ena tagede ni Postgraduate ena Univesitini Ceva ni Pasivika mai Laucala. O koya e dua talega vei ira na vukei ena sikolasivi ni Matabose ni iLavo Maroroi…

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Naitasiri Rural Women Training Project Launched

Naitasiri Rural Women Training Project Launched

Assistant Minister of iTaukei Affairs, Hon. Adi Selai Adimaitoga, as Chief Guest launched a pilot training project for rural women in Naitasiri recently. The training project is a collaboration between the iTaukei Trust Fund Board (TTFB) and the Fiji National University (FNU).

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ITTFB Team Inaugural Visit To  Rotuma

ITTFB Team Inaugural Visit To Rotuma

The trip was to primarily scope for specific areas of interest where TTFB could assist, including the safeguarding of Rotuman culture and arts, the Rotuman language; supporting entrepreneurship and business efforts and building capacities on traditional and social leadership.

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Serua Completes Sauvaki ni Vanua Training Programme

Serua Completes Sauvaki ni Vanua Training Programme

The iTaukei Trust Fund Board (TTFB), the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs (MTA) and the iTaukei Affairs Board (TAB) collaborated to develop a training programme titled Sauvaki Ni Vanua. The Traditional Leadership programme known as Vuli ni Sausauvou.

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