Sauvaki Ni Vanua

Sauvaki Ni Vanua

Sauvaki Ni Vanua TTFB, together with the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs (MTA) and the iTaukei Affairs Board (TAB) collaborated to develop a traditional leadership and governance training programme titled Sauvaki Ni Vanua. The training programme is centered on the...
Vanua Fieldwork

Vanua Fieldwork

Vanua Fieldwork Vanua Fieldwork is a presentation of visual images and videos of distinctive cultural norms and practices succinctly unique to a tribe or tikina, or to a province within Fiji. The fieldwork aims to educate and inform, make aware and advocate for our...

Our Success Story

Our Success Story Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced...