Budding Linguist Is A Village Boy At Heart

Budding Linguist Is A Village Boy At Heart

Budding Linguist Is A Village Boy At Heart 14 Apr, 2022 Wainibuka lad Waisake Raliwalala, who hails from the Naituvatuvavatu, Wainibuka, in the province of Tailevu is one of six children and is the second youngest of the family. For much of his life, Waisake lived in...
TTFB begins new Partnership with Leadership Fiji

TTFB begins new Partnership with Leadership Fiji

TTFB begins new Partnership with Leadership Fiji TTFB begins new Partnership with Leadership Fiji 28 March 2022 The iTaukei Trust Fund Boards Chief Executive Officer Aisake Taito, today signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Leadership Fiji’s Chief Executive...