Executive SummaryLead Applicant (Individual/Entity/Consortium) Name Phone Social Media Physical Address Website Province Legal Structure Needs Analysis Problem statement Literature Review Stakeholder analysis Aims and Objectives Overall goal Project Purpose Specific objectives (SMART) Background Previous projects / experience Previous TTFB projects (if they have been supported by TTFB before) Letters of Support from relevant authorities Maximum file size: 10 MB Project Title Description Funding request Which TTFB Priority Area does it fall under? Date of the Project Anticipated start date Anticipated end date Total number of months for the project Location of the Project Will the project be delivered in more than one location? Will the project or any part of the project be delivered outside of Fiji? Project Communication How will the results of the project be communicated or disseminated? Demonstrated experience of managing similar projects, grants and providing acquittals and reports Explain how? Project Design Outline project idea and planned activities Describe how the proposed activity links to national and regional goals/priorities Describe how the proposed activity complements other activities in the Sector Describe what you plan to achieve from the proposed activities. Outline your objectives and the expected results and ensure your objectives are SMART Identify the skills your organization has that will be important in delivering the project Identify the skills your organization does not have and will need support Impact and Sustainability Clearly outlines the impacts you expect the proposed activities will have and who will benefit from these? How do the expected impacts relate to TTFB’s priorities? Sustainability approach – what actions will you take to ensure the impacts of the proposed activities are sustained in the future? Beneficiaries or Target GroupExplain how your activities will promote the inclusion and participation of target groups:Women and children People with disabilities Elderly members (incl. widows and widowers) Fill your answer below Project Activities (Inputs)Monitoring - Logframe planning MatrixSpecific project objectives Expected Outputs Indicatiors Sources of Verification Timeframe Fill your answer below Evaluation Plan Fill your answer below Risks Fill your answer below Proposed Strategy/Project Work PlansOutputs Activity Description Budget Timeframe Fill your answer below Organization Profile / Team Fill your answer below Conclusion Fill your answer below Submit