- Mandate & Objective of the Developer (i) The ‘iTaukei Trust Fund Board’ [TTFB] is an institution set up to promote the advancement of iTaukei and Rotumans through initiatives that will better their standard of living and promote better use of their resources. In addition TTFB also plays a crucial role enhancing awareness and safe guarding appropriate cultural traditions and values of iTaukei and Rotumans. (ii) TTFB is also owner of the Draiba Complex, located at 87 Queen Elizabeth Drive, in Suva. The property covers approximately 7.5 acres and encompasses various large building improvements, namely:
- Veivueti House – Head Quarters of TTFB
- North Wing – Ministry of iTaukei Affairs & iTaukei Affairs Board
- South Wing – Ministry of Lands & Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Great Council of Chiefs Building – Vale ni Bose (under construction)
- Talanoa Lounge – Meeting & Conference House (open for hire) (iii) TTFB is now in the Planning Phase for the construction of a new building, known as the “Commercial Cluster” building and this building will be located between the North Wing and the boundary along President’s compound. The development will be a 2-storey building with each floor holding approximately 1500 sqm each.
- Expression Of Interest: TTFB is now inviting Building Contractors to submit their formal interest for the Project along with the following information: (i) Brief profile of your company inclusive of building projects constructed in the past 10 years (ii) List of current active projects
(iii) TIN letter and VAT registration from FRCS including valid Tax and FNPF Compliance. Company Registration
- Short Listed Building Contractors TTFB will assess the EOIs and prepare a short list, to whom a TOR document will be issued. The decision by TTFB on the Short List will be final.
- EOI Due Date EOIs are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, iTaukei Trust Fund Board and submitted to the TTFB Office at Veivueti House, 87 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Suva or emailed to Mr. Tevita Mcgoon by no later than 5pm on Wednesday 05th February 2025. For any query and or clarification, please contact Mr. Moses Seavula on 897 0603.