
TTFB and BAF Sign MOU to Elevate MSMEs

We’re always venturing out to partner with stakeholders in fields that best meets our interest in the development and wellbeing of iTaukei and Rotumans.

Our latest partnership with an ink to seal its deal is with the Business Assistance Fiji. An MOU was signed between the two organizations to collaborate in areas of best practices , tools and resources in support to enhance or elevate indigenous MSMEs.

TTFB and BAF has been working alongside each other in previous settings of involving and upgrading MSMEs however this latest partnership through the MOU signifies more than just collaboration but also implementing solutions that are workable in the current trend of business upkeep.

Exchange of remarks between the two head of organizations reaffirmed achieving its mandated roles under the MOU. TTFB was represented by the Chief Excutive Officer Mr Aisake Taito and the Business Assistance of Fiji was represented by the General Manager Mr Ramesh Chand.

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