
Fiji Museum Partneship

CAM Museum Education Workshop

In 2018, iTaukei Trust Fund Board together with the Fiji Museum and the Commonwealth Association of Museums organised a three-day workshop on museum education for commonwealth countries in the Pacific, the first in the Pacific on museum education with a focus on climate change and resilience. Forty-three participants from Australia, Canada, Croatia, Fiji, Japan, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, United Kingdom, and Vanuatu attended the historic workshop.
Fiji’s Artistic Heritage – Impact and Engagement in Fiji
TTFB was invited to a training partnership on Fiji’s Artistic Heritage: Impact and Engagement in Fiji, with the UK based Sainsbury Research Unit. The training was an opportunity to learn about international mesological practices and engage with the Sainsbury Research Centre in Norwich, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge, the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford and the Horniman Museum in London. The visit was sponsored by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Kamunaga Exhibition – The Story of the Tabua

In 2017, TTFB collaborated with the Fiji Museum to present the Kamunagathe story of tabua (whale’s tooth) exhibition, a historical trajectory of the tabua, highly valued and regarded within the Fijian culture, for its traditional significance and today, for its commercial value.  The project was funded by the Fijian Art Research Project, and Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK.

Korowaiwai Heritage Research

One of Fiji’s protected heritage sites is Korowaiwai, the Ring Ditch Fortification site located at Laucala Beach in Suva, and currently managed by the Laucala Beach Sustainable Society. The site holds a significant breadth of historical information and indigenous knowledge. TTFB sponsored a historical survey to be conducted on the Korowaiwai fortification site through the engagement of a renowned historian and former Fiji Museum Director, Mr. Fergus Clunie.

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