

Vula i Nuqalevu is the middle of the wet season in Fiji. … expect lots of rain! Fiji’s rainy weather patterns are best described as liquid sunshine – quick intense showers that is just quickly replaced by brilliant sunshine!

During the month, there is an abundance of rabbit-fish (nuqa). Fish-fences (ba) can be used to successfully catch the schooling surmullet or goatfish (ki den).

Young baby sharks (bulabula) are often found swimming close to the shoreline in search of prey. Shellfish are plentiful along with kai koso; kuku and kolakola; the chiton (tadruku), univalve (madrali) and sea slugs (bo sucu). Land crabs (lairo) have started spawning and small rock crabs are full and in abundance, floating freely in the sea! The Red Tide fish poisoning however, also poses a danger at this time.

On land, the month is marked by the flowering of the timber tree (damanu). The Polynesian chestnut (ivi) is fruiting along with delectable sweet mangoes (mango). Breadfruit (uto) is in abundance. Dawa and wi fruits are also in season.

Beautiful scented flowers are majestically in bloom and often used as ‘saluwaki’ to make perfumed oils or woven into garlands.


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